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Showing posts from February, 2015

TEDxUoN and the Travelling Hashtag!

The TEDxUoN crew were out in full force on Wednesday 25th February with our stall outside the SU shop going down a storm! Below are some photos from the day, supplied generously by Eleni!  We hope you are all getting as excited about this event as we are! Stay tuned for more info about the event itself and how you can purchase tickets (due to go on sale soon!) In the mean time, be sure to follow us on  Twitter , check out our  Facebook page  and bookmark our shiny new website! Make sure to leave a comment if you have any questions or just want to say how excited you are! 

Introducing...TEDxUoN 2015!

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global initiative dedicated to "ideas worth spreading". They host global conferences with the most inspirational speakers imaginable; from leading scientists upheaving our understanding of the world and our entire universe, to world-class performance acts and those select few people who have the mixture of brilliance and insanity required to make real change in the world. If you're new to TED, you MUST watch their videos,  here's a link to their best videos ! TEDx is a spin off of TED global, in which independent groups (a university society, perhaps) host their own events in the spirit of TED, but in a completely original way. This is where TEDxUoN comes in. We are a society of students who were inspired by the global TED conferences and set up our own events. We host a series of mini TED-style talks on a regular basis and also small events, such as TEDx-Action! and TEDx- The Fusion of Science & Art. But t...

Should You Worry About Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy?

No, no you should not. I was tempted to just leave it at that but I thought some people might like a bit more of an explanation.  What Are Mitochondria? Mitochondria are the power plants of cells, they are basically the same across all organisms that have them, which are all cells that have a nucleus (called eukaryotes). It is believed that they were once a tiny micro-organism that formed a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) with eukaryotic cells, possibly allowing complex life to exist! Their function is to provide the chemical energy used by cells, in the form of ATP which is used for nearly every single cellular process (I can't think of any that don't off the top of my head).  Why Do Some People Need Mitochondrial Replacement? Mitochondrial diseases are devastating, and until recently they have been incurable. Because mitochondria are passed down from the mother, a child born to a mother carrying the disease is highly likely to inherit the disease and suffer terribly....