You may well be familiar with a number of websites such as LifeHacker and Pinterest that churn out hundreds of "useful" lifehacks that are supposed to make your life easier, but barely any are actually useful to the vast majority of people, especially if you aren't a super neat freak with a severe lack of storage space. I also have a bit of an issue with the term 'life hack' but it's the most understandable way of describing a lot of these 'hacks' or tips(although some are just straight up advice). So I've compiled a simple list of 'life hacks' that I have actually used in a normal working life, covering a variety of areas, and hopefully some of this will be useful to you too. Cooking 1 - Put tin foil over your George Foreman or toastie maker to avoid mess 2 - If you don't want to waste tin foil, once you've finished using the grill, leave it on and put a wet paper towel on the grill and leave it for about a minute, t...
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