I recently finished reading a book called The Productivity Project, by Chris Bailey. It’s doing well on amazon and receiving great reviews on goodreads (4.1/5 stars on average). I thoroughly enjoyed reading his online blog about his year-long productivity project, in which he tried a number of experiments on himself to see how they affected his productivity such as working crazy long or short hours, eating nothing but Soylent, waking up at 5:30am every day and many more. What I liked most about this book, is that it’s incredibly down to earth and written in a very accessible and positive way. Chris talks about his own successes and failures openly, he shows you that achieving productivity isn’t something that only superheroes can achieve and even does a good job of explaining the psychology and neuroscience behind the secrets of productivity and behaviour in an accessible way that doesn’t dishonour the science. He also includes a number of tasks...
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